Love the Skin You're in

What better time than the change of seasons to make a new change to your skin?

The newest medical technology in skin resurfacing, tightening, and collagen and elastin formation is now HERE in San Antonio!

The Plasma Pen is the latest medical innovation that will tighten and shrink your skin before your very eyes without ever even touching your skin!

How does it work?

The Plasma Fibroblast Pen uses an electrical current to generate Plasma Gas energy, creating tiny, controlled micro-injuries to the skin.  The healing process by the body to these micro-injuries results in collagen and elastin formation, skin tightening, and epidermal (skin surface) smoothing.

How long does it last?

The results, like any other cosmetic procedure or surgery, vary from patient to patient.  However, after thousands of patients were studied, we can confidently state that the results should last from 3 years to permanent.  This means that you will continue to age, but just like plastic surgery, the results will not “reverse” or “go away.”

How many treatments will I need?

Usually, just one treatment is needed!  However, occasionally, depending on the damage that has occurred to the skin and the resultant laxity, two treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired results.

How much does it cost?

This depends on how large the area being treated is, as expected, but varies between $300 - $1,000 per area.  For example, both upper eyelids will cost about $400, and an entire nonsurgical blepharoplasty (upper and lower eyelids plus crow’s feet) will cost about $1500.  Of course, we always have specials, and if you purchase multiple areas, we will always give you a great package discount, as we do with all of our services.

Does it Hurt?

Not really.  We will numb you well for about an hour before your treatment (so please plan for that in your schedule), and we will continue to re-numb you if necessary, depending on how much surface area is being treated.  Because we use a powerful prescription compounded numbing cream specially made to Dr. Sherry’s specifications, you will only feel slightly pricked. At the same time, the procedure is being performed if you feel anything at all.

What is the Downtime?

Everyone’s idea of downtime is different.  Some people don’t mind going out in public or to work while a bit swollen or with little marks on their face, while others don’t want anyone to know that they have had any “work” done at all.  In most cases, you should be able to return to normal functions within a week to 10 days, with no one being the wiser.  If you aren’t that concerned about what people think, your downtime will be less.  Of course, if you are working on a body part other than the face, that can be easily concealed, and with our masks.. any area other than the eyes or forehead is also quite easily hidden while you are healing!

What areas can be treated?

The most popular areas to be treated are the upper and lower eyelids and crow’s feet.  And what better time than now to improve the appearance of those areas, since with our masks on, our eyes are on stage all the time?  However, the Plasma Pen can tighten and smooth the skin on ANY AREA OF THE BODY.. including the forehead, jowls, cheeks, neck, arms, stomach, knees, ankles; you name it!  In addition, the Plasma Pen is great at improving scars, and stretch marks, removing skin tags and other undesirable skin lesions, and more!

I SEE lots of different “plasma pens” when I search on the internet.  So How do I know which is the best? 

Dr. Sherry Wehner, MD, owner and medical director at Anew You in San Antonio, has researched every plasma pen available and has concluded that the original is truly the BEST!  Therefore she has invested 100% into the Louise Walsh Plasma Pen, the first plasma pen on the market and initially available only in Europe.  However, this pen has been recently introduced into the US market, and Dr. Sherry is proud to be able to offer it to YOU exclusively!

How do I know that I am being treated by experienced technicians?

Dr. Sherry and all of her estheticians are experienced and exclusively certified by Louise Walsh International.  In addition, they were all personally trained by the company’s lead trainer from London, where the company originated.

How do I find out more, or how can I get started on my Plasma Pen journey?

Please visit our website at  OR call us at 210-688-4850 to schedule a free consultation to see if the Plasma Pen is right for you.

NOW is the Time to reveal your True Self and your skin’s True Beauty.

FALL in LOVE with your SKIN.Again!  At Anew You!