Vaginal Rejuvenation by THERMIva®


Let’s talk about her. Yes, her: your vagina. We love her… for the most part. But just like everything, she’s gone through changes along with us as we go through life.

Kids! Aging! Sex! Stress!

ThermiVa, vaginal rejuvenation, is a unique, temperature-controlled radio-frequency system used to restore normal function to the labial and vulvar tissues on two levels, both cosmetic appearance and biological function. For more reliable bodily functions, it also treats conditions like stress incontinence (urine leakage when you cough, exercise, jump, etc.) and atrophic vaginitis (thinning and dryness of vaginal membranes).

Aging doesn’t have to be uncomfortable!

Do you experience the following?

Leakage when coughing, exercising, jumping, etc.

Vaginal Dryness

Decreased Sexual Satisfaction

Insecurities About Post-Baby Body

ThermiVa can help decrease or get rid of these symptoms.

ThermiVa helps women with

Urinary Incontinence

Tightening Vaginal Walls

Increasing Sensitivity in the Area

New Collagen Production

Improved Youthful Appearance

Increasing Sexual Pleasure

Boosting Confidence & Self-Esteem

Interested to see if you are a good candidate for ThermiVa?

How does ThermiVa Work?

ThermiVa uses radio frequency energy to gently heat tissue to rejuvenate vaginal and labial collagen.  Like a facelift... for your vagina...a special wand applicator delivers energy to the external labia and vulvar tissues, helping to restore normal tissue tone and function. Yes, vaginal collagen is a thing! Collagen in our skin is like the reinforcing iron mesh in concrete. As we age, this mesh loses strength. Treating the skin with radio frequency energy changes the collagen by immediately contacting the molecule itself, remodeling or ‘reorganizing’ the molecular network, and stimulating fibroblasts (the cells that build the collagen ‘mesh’) to create new collagen.  The result is a tighter, more sensitive vagina, labia, and clitoris, with the added benefit of reduced to eliminated stress incontinence and a more youthful appearance.

Schedule your private appointment with Dr. Sherry to learn about vaginal rejuvenation.

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Check out our blog on ThermiVa

Learn more about what it can do for you!

ThermiVa is a non-invasive treatment that requires no surgery, no pain, no downtime and some women can see results instantly!

Meet Dr. Sherry

Dr. Sherry Wehner is an advocate for making women feel beautiful inside and out. She has over 25 years of medical experience & is trained and certified in ThermiVa.

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You don’t have to “accept aging”

Watch enough television and you are sure to see frequent commercials about men dealing with intimacy issues like erectile dysfunction. Often lost in this sea of drug-focused medical treatments are stories about the women who deal with comparable issues. It has long been accepted that women of a certain age will likely experience intimacy problems that may include incontinence, increased vaginal laxity and dryness, and overall dissatisfaction with sex. Along with aging, childbirth or other factors, this laundry list of issues can complicate relationships and hamper enjoyment of daily life.