Sclerotherapy using Asclera –

a safe and effective treatment for spider and small varicose veins. If you want to regain confidence in your legs and improve their appearance, you've come to the right place! Dr. Sherry has perfected her treatment process over the years by first identifying and treating where the damaged blood vessel begins. This ensures better results and reduces the risk of the spider and varicose veins returning.

What is Sclerotherapy with Asclera?

Sclerotherapy is a proven non-surgical procedure that addresses spider and small varicose veins. Asclera, a prescription medication, is injected into these unwanted veins, causing them to collapse, shrink, and eventually fade from view. This treatment is an excellent option for those seeking a minimally invasive way to improve the look of their legs without the need for surgery or downtime.

The Benefits of Asclera Sclerotherapy:

  1. Quick and Convenient: Asclera treatments are relatively brief, often taking less than an hour per session. You can even schedule sessions during your lunch break!

  2. Minimally Invasive: The procedure involves small injections with fine needles, making it relatively painless. Most patients experience minimal discomfort during and after the treatment.

  3. Visible Results: The treated veins fade over time and become significantly less noticeable. This leads to improved skin appearance and a boost in self-confidence.

  4. No Downtime: One of the significant perks of Asclera sclerotherapy is that there's minimal to no downtime. You can return to most of your regular activities immediately after treatment.

  5. Proven Safety: Asclera has undergone rigorous testing and clinical trials to ensure it's safe and effective for vein treatment. Medical professionals approve it for the treatment of unwanted leg veins.

What to Expect During Your Asclera Session:

  1. Consultation: Your journey to new legs begins with a consultation with a member of our expert-trained staff. They will assess your veins and discuss your medical history to determine if Asclera sclerotherapy is the right choice for you.

  2. Preparation:  We suggest wearing comfortable clothing to your treatment appointment. You may or may not be asked to remove your clothing, depending on the accessibility of the treatment area. This will ensure your comfort and contribute to a smoother process for you, Dr. Sherry, and our medical staff. You may also need to avoid certain medications or substances before your session.

  3. Procedure: During the procedure, Dr. Sherry will gently inject Asclera into the targeted veins using a fine needle. You may feel a mild sensation, similar to a small pinch.

  4. Aftercare: Following the treatment, you may be advised to wear compression stockings briefly to aid in the healing process. You'll receive detailed post-treatment instructions to ensure the best possible results.

  5. Results: In the weeks after your session, you'll start to see a positive change in the appearance of your treated veins. They will gradually fade away, giving you a sense of relief and improvement in your overall look.

Is Asclera Sclerotherapy Right for You?

If you're bothered by spider veins or small varicose veins and want a safe, effective, and minimally invasive solution, Asclera sclerotherapy could be the answer. However, consulting with a qualified medical professional before deciding if this treatment aligns with your individual needs and goals is extremely important.

Start Your Journey to Beautiful Legs:

You can begin your journey towards smoother and more attractive legs by seeking guidance from our highly skilled staff. We have the expertise to help you achieve your desired results with care and compassion. Discover the benefits of Asclera sclerotherapy and regain your confidence today. Say goodbye to unwanted veins and hello to renewed self-assurance – because you deserve to look and feel your best!